Monday, July 19, 2021


   Ninety-two students filed into the auditorium, with maroon gowns and traditional caps. This class would not pray during commencement because of a recent court prohibition. 

   The principal and students who spoke were careful to abide by the guidelines. They gave inspirational speeches, but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one spoke of blessings. 

   Lastly, a student walked to the microphone. He stood still for a moment, and then it happened. 

   All of them suddenly sneezed. And the student said "GOD BLESS YOU!" 

We don't know if this is a true story,

but we thank a friend for the entertainment.

The Woke Movement

   The "woke" movement is Leninism 4.0, says Dr. James Lindsay. He explains that there were three versions of Leninism - Lenin, Stalin and Mao. Each tried to correct the problems of the previous version.

   Now, Black Lives Matter and other Marxists give this movement an American context, using corporations in their tool set, he says. 

   It's the old idea that an enlightened class knows best what the rest of us needs, and should lead us through a revolution for the greater good. 

   On the left, "woke" means social justice, while on the right, this is "political correctness" or "cancel culture." Lenin killed dissidents; today's practitioners just "cancel" dissidents. 

   Dr. Lindsay has some encouragement. Attorneys general have filed antitrust suits against big tech companies. Others are pushing back in legal ways that might "scare big techs into rethinking the way that they're operating."

   Note: VP Kamala Harris and lawmakers such as AOC have been supporters of rioters - but not the mostly peaceful protesters who wandered into the Capitol on January 6. It's called hypocrisy.   




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