Friday, July 23, 2021

Upside Down World    

   Someone put together a series of videos - Democratic politicians adamant about the dire need to prevent "illegal immigrants" from crossing our border. We don't know when they said so, or when and why they all switched. 

   [Sen. Harry Reid, who retired in 2017, Bill and Hillary, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, President Obama, Sen. Chuck Schumer and two others.] What changed? Now, legal immigrants are denied entrance, due to COVID, but illegals are still welcome, no vaccinations or masks required.  

   And now we have city mayors who defunded police and are hiring security for themselves.

   And now, President Biden invites the UN Human Rights Council - China, Russia, Pakistan and others - all freedom loving people - to visit America and report on how we deny rights to fellow citizens.  

Socialism Means Free Stuff?   

Nation          Income Tax    Sales Tax    Gasoline with tax

Germany          47.4%          19%            $6.04/gallon

England            47%             20%            $6:10/gallon

Italy                 45.8%          22%            $6.84/gallon

Greece              65%             24%            $6.83/gallon

Words Leftists Don't Know   

   The people bent on destroying America don't know everything. They don't know joy, laughter, love, mercy, freedom, grace, humility, compromise, trust, honesty, peace - and we could go on. And they don't know God. 

   So, they are angry, and self-important, hateful, without hope - and they wish to make us all like they are. Then they can feel good about themselves.  


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