Tuesday, July 20, 2021

 My Tall Tale      

   It was a sunny day.   

   One of those occasions when the Linai and its furniture needed hosed off. Yes, the wind and rain brings a little dust to the party, even in paradise. Our state welcome center won't tell you that.  

   I began moving chairs, a bench and a table around to give everything a good hosing without splashing the windows too much. Lizards - we just call them all geckos - usually find their way under the screen door, and Monday was no different. I found one dead, and threw its stiff remains outside. Another one crawled up the screen, where it knew I wouldn't bother him.

   Then I noticed one in a corner next to a screen. I approached with my garden hose only to find this intruder ... not a gecko. 

   The snake was about five feet long, thick body, with a triangular head. Its skin had diamond-shaped markings, and there were odd things on it's tail. What could this be?

   I picked it up. It opened its mouth wide as if expecting me to feed it. What do I look like, a zoo keeper? 

   Okay. It was only three feet long. Well, maybe 15 inches. And it was black with faint yellow rings. 

   But it was angry! Or maybe scared to death. 

   Please don't tell Mrs. Donut about this. She would be upset that I didn't kill it. 


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