Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Right or Wrong

A Storm Upon US  

   And we don't mean Elsa.

   We have strife, foolishness and danger in our noisy streets. There is immorality, falsehood and bad company.  

   Youngsters grow up without fathers, and sometimes mothers. There are mockers. There is deception and corruption.   

   We know of a man with answers, if we would only listen. 

He explains right and wrong. 

   Attacks on law enforcement. Riots. Stealing. Rape. Murder. Drugs. Leaders who defend criminal behavior.

   The man calls attention to family, purity, humility,

 faithfulness, honesty, work, neighbor, discipline, prudence,

 discretion, justice, equity ... standards unknown on the streets.


   Living words are practical, prudent and righteous. True life begins not with knowledge or intelligence - these don't ensure spiritual life - but with wisdom. Wisdom is found in the fear of our Lord, the sovereign God. 

   This pathway begins with wisdom, and continues with trust and obedience. We yield our hearts and minds. We relate to him who is with us, and follow his standards. 

   This is figurative language. Wisdom is personified. The man whose writing provides wisdom for the year 2021 is Solomon, who wrote Proverbs about 30 centuries ago, before he wandered from the path. 

   Wisdom ultimately is found in Jesus, one "greater than Solomon," Luke 11:31, "in whom are all treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Colossians 2:3.

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