Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Before Your Liftoff

   You are excited about going into space with Jeff Bezos, if only for 10 minutes, so pay attention to these home safety tips. Burglars may target your house while you are away:

* If you have sliding glass doors, place a rod in the track so the door can't be         moved. Also, insert a block so they can't be jiggled vertically and lifted out. 
* Gates, garages and sheds should be locked. 
* If you live in a gated community, notify authorities that you will be away.         Provide a list of people who might need to be allowed in. 
* Trim shrubbery and bushes that provide hiding places.
* In severe weather season, remove all outdoor items. 
* Keep the pool pump operating.

* Position your curtains or blinds as normal, but don't make it easy to peek     inside. Valuable items should be locked up or removed from the premises. 
* Turn your AC up to 83 or 84, enough to control humidity. 
* Turn off the water heater if your space vacation is more than three or four days.
* Be sure the fridge and freezer doors are tight. 
* Shut off water to the washing machine. Pressure can cause a hose to burst. 
* Arrange for someone to check on the house and appliances. 

* Unplug computers and TVs etc. to protect from lightning. 
* Put various lights on timers. 
* Don't e-mail your travel plans, or reveal them on your answering machine.
* Disable your garage door, and be sure to take your door key with you. 
* Arrange for someone to put your garbage can away. 
* Finally, don't drive away with streamers and signs alerting the bad guys you are going into space. 


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