Thursday, July 15, 2021

Aha! We See Our Future (?)

   Sen. Bernie Sanders must be horrified. AOC and her comrades are speechless. Sen. Chuck Schumer's promise for America has been exposed way too soon.       

   Thousands of Cubans chanted “Freedom,” “Unite,” and “Enough” as they marched through the streets of Havana and other cities in protest against their communist dictatorship. Cubans stood on their balconies and cheered the marchers who have too little food and too high prices.  

   Surely our leftist news organizations hid these hideous demonstrations from Americans, who must not know what's in store for them if Democrats achieve their goal. 

   We feel for Cubans who have long suffered.        

   For decades thousands have fled Cuba or otherwise managed to leave for freedom and opportunity. Miami, Orlando and Tampa in particular are home to immigrants who know that we are not what Democrats portray us to be. They too are marching in our streets, in support. 

   No. 1 - Sympathy and prayers for common folks, who have no privileges, no guns, and are unlikely to succeed. Arrests and beatings are reported, and internet service has been shut down. 

   No. 2 - We wish this wasn't happening, but it is. So we welcome the light now shining on communism's dark world, for anyone who doesn't yet understand. The Bidenites welcome all needy immigrants except Cubans, who know the truth.  

   Am I just bloviating? Ask dozens of Trump supporters in the Capitol Jan. 6 who are still in jail without charges. 


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