Take it to the Judge
Christian, are you at odds with a fellow believer or collection of believers? When there are different interpretations of a scripture, is agreement elusive?
Good news. There is a Judge of all matters, and he is available around the clock.
He visited earth as the Son of God to teach, heal and - most importantly - to take on himself the penalty for the sins of all us mortals. He said:
* I am the way, the truth and the life. I am the resurrection, the bread, the light of the world and living water. I am the vine. (Branches don't survive without the vine.)
* He told us He is the Son of God. Since God created all things, including eggs and sperm, inserting a sperm in virgin Mary's egg - a miracle? - was not difficult. That made God - Father ... and Jesus - the Son.
How's that for a resume?
Elsewhere in scripture we're taught He is - not has - wisdom and knowledge, love, joy, the potter (we are the clay), grace, mercy, a sign, humility, deliverer, kindness, strength, comforter, healer, song, counselor, mighty, everlasting, prince of peace, shield, teacher, eyes, hands, craftsman, rock, and stronghold.
The Son represents the Father, who made it simple for Moses: I am.
Rather than debate endlessly, let each of us take it to the great I am. Let's be willing to be taught, not only by scripture but by the Spirit.
Better to trust and obey him than to allow the culture to dictate right and wrong. Each of us will stand alone before the Judge.
You know who is secretly undermining the culture.