Saturday, July 31, 2021

 Ordinary Days

When problems crop up, our instinct is to worry rather than pray.

When we wake up, our first thoughts are more

 toward the burden of what we have to do today

than the joy of God's promise to partner with us.


In the waning days of the era of the judges, 

many of the challenges that made Israelites

aware of their dependence on God were behind them.

Pharaoh, Mt. Sinai, manna, Moses and Joshua,

the Exodus - all old news.

They continued to worship, pray and sacrifice, 

but their thoughts turned to a worldly king.

                                                                   God is Closer Than You Think

Friday, July 30, 2021

Independent, as it Should Be


   The Supreme Court session that recently ended was more agreeable than expected. The nine justices often agreed; about 67 percent of the rulings were unanimous or near unanimous.  

   Now, if Congress worked together for truth and real justice, we might have something.

   In one case, the justices ruled 9-0 in favor of Catholic Social Services adhering to religious beliefs, while participating in Philadelphia's foster care program. 

   Alas, the winner, Bethany Christian Services, changed its policy and now allows same-sex couples to foster and adopt. And it no longer holds that marriage is between a man and a woman. Placing children in homes - "reaffirming the importance of diverse coalitions" working together - seems to trump all else.

   Religious liberty advocates praised the court's ruling, but the justices focused narrowly on the details of the case, not on broader applications.  

   Justice Alito said, "This decision might as well be written on dissolving paper sold in magic shops." Justices Gorsuch and Thomas shared these concerns, since the city can simply rewrite its contracts to get around the court's decision. 

   Chief Justice Roberts wrote that Catholic Social Services "seeks only an accommodation ... to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else." 

WORLD magazine


Thursday, July 29, 2021


Here we go with our first - hopefully many -

videos that Views will publish for your pleasure.



 Road to Healing   

   What happens early in life can have a lasting, terrible impact. 

   A divorce or other loss of parent(s) may injure a child in ways he or she doesn't know for decades, maybe ever. The mother of a well-known man left his father when he was 7. There was no discussion, teaching or comfort. Just boom! 

   The emotional wound silently drove him into addiction and gambling which lasted for decades. Something was missing. He felt unworthy. He held it in. 

   If you watch TV some, you probably see his commercials. If you watch much, you probably see him too much. 😉

   He is Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy. 

   His type-A personality got him places, but also divorce, affecting four children of his own. He thought he could get right with Jesus late in life ... no hurry.

   Mike was guided (herded) to Operation Restored Warrior, a recovery center for heads of state, generals, priests, Ph.D.s and others who hide their truth from the public. Chatty Mike began to tell the counselor all about himself. He was told to knock it off.

   He needed to go back to the beginning and address it. To find the points of pain, the broken places.  

    As Mike uncovered and processed each stage of his reckless life, he found that Jesus was with him through it all. He surrendered, finding the joy, love and peace that goes with salvation ... the fruit of deliverance. 

   He wrote in his book, What Are the Odds? From Crack Addict to CEO, how the burden of sins fell away.   



Wednesday, July 28, 2021

   Take it to the Judge 

   Christian, are you at odds with a fellow believer or collection of believers? When there are different interpretations of a scripture, is agreement elusive? 

   Good news. There is a Judge of all matters, and he is available around the clock. 

   He visited earth as the Son of God to teach, heal and - most importantly - to take on himself the penalty for the sins of all us mortals. He said:

* I am the way, the truth and the life. I am the resurrection, the bread, the light of the world and living water. I am the vine. (Branches don't survive without the vine.)

* He told us He is the Son of God. Since God created all things, including eggs and sperm, inserting a sperm in virgin Mary's egg - a miracle? - was not difficult. That made God - Father ... and Jesus - the Son. 

How's that for a resume?

   Elsewhere in scripture we're taught He is - not has - wisdom and knowledge, love, joy, the potter (we are the clay), grace, mercy, a sign, humility, deliverer, kindness, strength, comforter, healer, song, counselor, mighty, everlasting, prince of peace, shield, teacher, eyes, hands, craftsman, rock, and stronghold.  

   The Son represents the Father, who made it simple for Moses: I am

   Rather than debate endlessly, let each of us take it to the great I am. Let's be willing to be taught, not only by scripture but by the Spirit. 

   Better to trust and obey him than to allow the culture to dictate right and wrong. Each of us will stand alone before the Judge.

   You know who is secretly undermining the culture. 


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Before Your Liftoff

   You are excited about going into space with Jeff Bezos, if only for 10 minutes, so pay attention to these home safety tips. Burglars may target your house while you are away:

* If you have sliding glass doors, place a rod in the track so the door can't be         moved. Also, insert a block so they can't be jiggled vertically and lifted out. 
* Gates, garages and sheds should be locked. 
* If you live in a gated community, notify authorities that you will be away.         Provide a list of people who might need to be allowed in. 
* Trim shrubbery and bushes that provide hiding places.
* In severe weather season, remove all outdoor items. 
* Keep the pool pump operating.

* Position your curtains or blinds as normal, but don't make it easy to peek     inside. Valuable items should be locked up or removed from the premises. 
* Turn your AC up to 83 or 84, enough to control humidity. 
* Turn off the water heater if your space vacation is more than three or four days.
* Be sure the fridge and freezer doors are tight. 
* Shut off water to the washing machine. Pressure can cause a hose to burst. 
* Arrange for someone to check on the house and appliances. 

* Unplug computers and TVs etc. to protect from lightning. 
* Put various lights on timers. 
* Don't e-mail your travel plans, or reveal them on your answering machine.
* Disable your garage door, and be sure to take your door key with you. 
* Arrange for someone to put your garbage can away. 
* Finally, don't drive away with streamers and signs alerting the bad guys you are going into space. 


Monday, July 26, 2021

God said,

"I will make a covenant with you and every living creature"

- that includes you and me -

"from this time on."

Every time Noah saw a rainbow, he knew he was not alone.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

My path to experiencing God's presence

will not look quite like anyone else's.

It can happen anywhere, anytime, for anyone.

Whatever your age, season of life, temperament or job,

these are no object.

All you have to do is life a finger.

God is closer than you think.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Upside Down World    

   Someone put together a series of videos - Democratic politicians adamant about the dire need to prevent "illegal immigrants" from crossing our border. We don't know when they said so, or when and why they all switched. 

   [Sen. Harry Reid, who retired in 2017, Bill and Hillary, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, President Obama, Sen. Chuck Schumer and two others.] What changed? Now, legal immigrants are denied entrance, due to COVID, but illegals are still welcome, no vaccinations or masks required.  

   And now we have city mayors who defunded police and are hiring security for themselves.

   And now, President Biden invites the UN Human Rights Council - China, Russia, Pakistan and others - all freedom loving people - to visit America and report on how we deny rights to fellow citizens.  

Socialism Means Free Stuff?   

Nation          Income Tax    Sales Tax    Gasoline with tax

Germany          47.4%          19%            $6.04/gallon

England            47%             20%            $6:10/gallon

Italy                 45.8%          22%            $6.84/gallon

Greece              65%             24%            $6.83/gallon

Words Leftists Don't Know   

   The people bent on destroying America don't know everything. They don't know joy, laughter, love, mercy, freedom, grace, humility, compromise, trust, honesty, peace - and we could go on. And they don't know God. 

   So, they are angry, and self-important, hateful, without hope - and they wish to make us all like they are. Then they can feel good about themselves.  


Thursday, July 22, 2021

We Are Surrounded      

   The reality in our country is this:

   Marxists - now emerging from the dark - rule liberal arts departments in public universities.

   Marxists control teachers unions.

   Marxists co-opt corporations and Big Tech.

   Marxists dominate the party now in national political leadership. 

   Marxists operate in legal matters and judgments. 

   Marxists have conquered much of the "free press" and independent media. 

   What does it matter? Following the lead of George Soros, Bernie Sanders and other familiar operators, they wish to destroy capitalism and all freedoms. 

   Hundreds of millions around the globe have seen all this before. They wonder, What in the world are Americans thinking?  

   Prayers of Christians and Jews may or may not save what's left of Western Civilization. But Almighty God hasn't left us hopeless.

   Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Philippians 4:8. 

   Verse 8 came to my special attention twice, Wednesday morning, so I take it as a gentle reminder. His word also instructs us:

   Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. - Philippians 4:6 

   Applicable today? Life for believers was far more difficult when Paul wrote this letter. 


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Our Real Roots  

   William J. Federer, well known author, has a new history book covering the many Christians and Jews who founded medicine, nursing, hospitals, education and even study of creation and the galaxies. 

   We'll track down the title of this book. Meanwhile, did you know? 

   In 1629, ten years after the year 1619 that leftists use to condemn America,  Oxford and Cambridge were licensed to print Bibles. Colonialists got their Bibles, if at all, from England. 

   The first printing job by Guttenberg was a Bible. In 1663 the first Bible in the Western Hemisphere was printed by missionary John Elliot at Harvard. Yes, that Harvard. This Bible was written in tribal language. 

   See why years leading up to printing and Bibles are called "the Dark Ages?"

   "Only alone can I draw close enough to God to discover his secrets." - George Washington Carver. 

   "Jesus walking on earth is more important than man walking on the moon."      - James Irwin, Apollo 15. 

Guess Who?

   "We cannot read the history of our rise and development as a Nation without reckoning with the place the Bible has occupied in shaping the advances of the Republic. Where we have been truest and most consistent in obeying its precepts, we have attained the greatest measure of contentment and prosperity.

   "Where it has been to us as the words of a book that is sealed, we have faltered in our way, lost our range finders and found our progress checked." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

   The devil works his will among clueless Marxists, cancelling history.  


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

 My Tall Tale      

   It was a sunny day.   

   One of those occasions when the Linai and its furniture needed hosed off. Yes, the wind and rain brings a little dust to the party, even in paradise. Our state welcome center won't tell you that.  

   I began moving chairs, a bench and a table around to give everything a good hosing without splashing the windows too much. Lizards - we just call them all geckos - usually find their way under the screen door, and Monday was no different. I found one dead, and threw its stiff remains outside. Another one crawled up the screen, where it knew I wouldn't bother him.

   Then I noticed one in a corner next to a screen. I approached with my garden hose only to find this intruder ... not a gecko. 

   The snake was about five feet long, thick body, with a triangular head. Its skin had diamond-shaped markings, and there were odd things on it's tail. What could this be?

   I picked it up. It opened its mouth wide as if expecting me to feed it. What do I look like, a zoo keeper? 

   Okay. It was only three feet long. Well, maybe 15 inches. And it was black with faint yellow rings. 

   But it was angry! Or maybe scared to death. 

   Please don't tell Mrs. Donut about this. She would be upset that I didn't kill it. 


Monday, July 19, 2021


   Ninety-two students filed into the auditorium, with maroon gowns and traditional caps. This class would not pray during commencement because of a recent court prohibition. 

   The principal and students who spoke were careful to abide by the guidelines. They gave inspirational speeches, but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one spoke of blessings. 

   Lastly, a student walked to the microphone. He stood still for a moment, and then it happened. 

   All of them suddenly sneezed. And the student said "GOD BLESS YOU!" 

We don't know if this is a true story,

but we thank a friend for the entertainment.

The Woke Movement

   The "woke" movement is Leninism 4.0, says Dr. James Lindsay. He explains that there were three versions of Leninism - Lenin, Stalin and Mao. Each tried to correct the problems of the previous version.

   Now, Black Lives Matter and other Marxists give this movement an American context, using corporations in their tool set, he says. 

   It's the old idea that an enlightened class knows best what the rest of us needs, and should lead us through a revolution for the greater good. 

   On the left, "woke" means social justice, while on the right, this is "political correctness" or "cancel culture." Lenin killed dissidents; today's practitioners just "cancel" dissidents. 

   Dr. Lindsay has some encouragement. Attorneys general have filed antitrust suits against big tech companies. Others are pushing back in legal ways that might "scare big techs into rethinking the way that they're operating."

   Note: VP Kamala Harris and lawmakers such as AOC have been supporters of rioters - but not the mostly peaceful protesters who wandered into the Capitol on January 6. It's called hypocrisy.   




Sunday, July 18, 2021

Sometimes God seems far away for reasons I don't understand.

My desire for God ebbs and flows,

but his desire for me is constant. 

Every aspect of my life and yours

is of genuine interest to God.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Spiritual growth is simply increasing 

our ability to experience the presence of God.

That means finding pleasure in his company,

speaking humbly and lovingly with him, often.

I am the good shepherd.

I know my sheep and my sheep know me.

I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen.

They too will listen to my voice, 

and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.

Matthew 10: 14-16

Friday, July 16, 2021

Our Nutty World

   U.S. military prepares to defend us, and fight to win if necessary. Oh - and every person in uniform must be WOKE, and those who fly planes are busy transporting illegal aliens from Laughlin AFB in Texas to states like Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina...and maybe your state if it's not in our list. 

   When did voters call for this? We must have missed something.  

   We knew BLM founders are Marxist proponents. They just confirmed it by blaming the U.S. embargo for misery among ordinary Cubans, and they praised the communist/tyrannical government. Question: Were Cubans prosperous and free during President Obama's friendship? 

   Meanwhile, Democrats are touting a For the People bill which would give the federal government say over election laws in every state. Dictatorship for the people.

   We Shall Overcome sang 51 minority Texas Democrats after flying to Washington, DC to prevent a quorum to vote on election reforms. Wow. Martin Luther King would be so proud. Texas Republicans want no 24-hour poling places, or drop boxes (which were an exception during the 2020 pandemic), and free access for political poll watchers. Owwww. They would intimidate voters, don't you see? Sen. Any Klobuchar welcomed the "courageous" runaways. Delaware has stricter voting laws, but don't mind them...they aren't a swing state. 

   Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act gives social media platforms the right to regulate or remove content they deem inappropriate. Sounds reasonable. 

   But the companies, run by human beings, ut oh, abuse this privilege by suppressing conservative voices, and violate users’ right to free speech. These are private companies, but a lawsuit claims that they become state actors when they collaborate with public officials.  

   Finally, there were some 93,000 drug overdoses in 2020, with fentanyl the killer in more than 60 percent of the cases.    

   Sorry you read today's Views? We'll make it up to you this weekend. 


Thursday, July 15, 2021

Aha! We See Our Future (?)

   Sen. Bernie Sanders must be horrified. AOC and her comrades are speechless. Sen. Chuck Schumer's promise for America has been exposed way too soon.       

   Thousands of Cubans chanted “Freedom,” “Unite,” and “Enough” as they marched through the streets of Havana and other cities in protest against their communist dictatorship. Cubans stood on their balconies and cheered the marchers who have too little food and too high prices.  

   Surely our leftist news organizations hid these hideous demonstrations from Americans, who must not know what's in store for them if Democrats achieve their goal. 

   We feel for Cubans who have long suffered.        

   For decades thousands have fled Cuba or otherwise managed to leave for freedom and opportunity. Miami, Orlando and Tampa in particular are home to immigrants who know that we are not what Democrats portray us to be. They too are marching in our streets, in support. 

   No. 1 - Sympathy and prayers for common folks, who have no privileges, no guns, and are unlikely to succeed. Arrests and beatings are reported, and internet service has been shut down. 

   No. 2 - We wish this wasn't happening, but it is. So we welcome the light now shining on communism's dark world, for anyone who doesn't yet understand. The Bidenites welcome all needy immigrants except Cubans, who know the truth.  

   Am I just bloviating? Ask dozens of Trump supporters in the Capitol Jan. 6 who are still in jail without charges. 


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

 Down to The Last Strike     

   In baseball terms, for George Washington's team there were two outs and two strikes on the last batter. General Howe's forces were on the verge of a shutout. Game over. No tomorrow. 

   As Howe anticipated his last pitch (attack), with 8,000 opponents trapped in Brooklyn Heights, Washington needed to delay the game (retreat), but how to escape Howe?

   Washington's desperate strategy was to round up every fishing boat and sloop he could find. It was doomed to failure. Moonlight and splashing oars would surely alert the pursuers. 

   A rise of fog covered the East River. 

   In the morning, the British were astonished - their prey had vanished - their provisions, horses and cannons. There would be many extra innings, but never again would the British have opportunity to throw the last pitch. 

   At a crucial moment when Washington had done all he could, the hand of God intervened, so that neither sight nor sound betrayed the outnumbered colonial army. 

   Couldn't this be coincidence? The fog was just one of many examples of providential favor and repeated protection of the Revolution. Many settlers who sided with the cause gave God the glory. 

   Later, during the Constitutional Convention, when a union of states was not universally sought, Washington interrupted the debate to say:

   If to please the people, we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterward defend our work? Let us raise a standard to which the wise and the honest can repair; the event is in the hand of God!" 



Tuesday, July 13, 2021

By Divine Intervention?    

   Until Christians come to grips with our history, said the authors of The American Covenant in 1981, renewal will be impossible. 

Landing at Cape Cod 

   Consider the Pilgrims' landing at Cape Cod in 1620. The Mayflower was blown hundreds of miles off course. 

   So they began to scout out a place to settle. Had they arrived a few years earlier, they would have been greeted by the fiercest tribe in the region. But by 1617 the Patuxet tribe had been wiped out by a plague. This was possibly the only landing where the Pilgrims could have survived. 

A Special Instrument 

   There was one survivor of the tribe, Squanto. He was kidnapped in 1605 and taken to England. He learned English and in 1614 returned to New England with Captain John Smith. Squanto was again kidnapped. 

   He and 24 other Indians were to be sold into slavery in Spain. He escaped and eventually attached himself to the Wampanoag tribe. With his knowledge of English, he was led of God to offer his friendship and help to the Pilgrims. 

   Squanto joined with the Pilgrims and was converted to Christianity. Capt. Bradford considered him "a special instrument sent of God" for their good. He showed them how to plant corn, fertilizing it with fish. He was their guide and their interpreter in dealings with Wampanoag chief, Massasoit. 

   A peace treaty lasted 50 years, with justice for both Indians and Pilgrims. Other English colonies were wiped out by hostile Indians. 

Tomorrow:  Hand of God Rescues Washington's Army 



Monday, July 12, 2021

'Who Cares' Mentality   

   Last week wequoted from a booklet owned by my Dad, with views of Marxists and other humanists which he vehemently hated. All that in 1981, and what would he say now? 

   There are other humanist views: progressive history (Democrats anyone?), historicism, and the existential "who cares" historical, drop-out mentality. We try to understand them, rather than just lament, "Don't they know the Truth?" 

   No, they don't. One secular historian said, about the crimes of the human species - why study it? 

   In 1981, millions of Americans disliked history because they saw it as irrelevant. "Today is what counts." They joked, "We learn from history that we learn nothing from history." Bored history students saw their lives as chance evolution.

   "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die." Today, they're still with us, and they are in positions of real influence. 

What About Christians?  

   From The American Covenant, 1981, "Many Christians have subconsciously adopted the existential view. They de-emphasize their importance, and see themselves as individuals God plucked out of an evil world and are just awaiting heaven."

   "Their sense of responsibility for the future is lost in the 'now generation,' - nothing to do but work on self improvement. This erases guilt, but does not alleviate responsibility for our nation's crisis," the authors say.

   "It is not the humanists or communists who are responsible for our present (1981) condition, because these people are lost. We should not be surprised. It is the Christian community that has neglected its heritage and forgotten the history - God's history - of America." 

Next: Will Christians denounce the wrong and reaffirm the right?

Landmarks that defy humanists.


Sunday, July 11, 2021

God is crying out all around us.

He is present in the silence of snow-covered mountains.

He is dancing with sunlight that sparkles on ocean waves.

He is hiding in the decaying moss and forgotten places.

The entire sum of Creation, acts of nature, is God waving hello.


John Ortberg

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Jacob's discovery:

Jacob called the place where he had the dream "Beth-el,"

that is,

"the house of God, the place where God is present." 

For him it transformed from "a certain place"

nowhere special

to the place inhabited by God himself. 

If we believe, and have the Holy Spirit,

we are that place.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Marxist View of History   

   Picking up where we left off, here is a view from 1844, now shared by many with intentions of reinventing America:

   The entire so-called history of the world is nothing but the creation of man through human labor. -Marx 

   Authors of The American Covenant (1981) said Marx's view and that of his proteges permeated not only the communist world but American culture. It sees man in a godless materialism caught in a class struggle. Their solution: a perfect socialist state. 

   Today, race has replaced class as the focus, but the goal remains. One prolific, humanist historian de-emphasized Christian emphasis on our founding, and debunked the character of our founders. We see this frequently don't we? 

   From the book: Most Americans, whether we know it or not, have been deeply influenced by Docu-dramas such as "Roots," "The Rebels" - portraying history as a race or class struggle between rich and poor. 

   In 1979 (Jimmy Carter time) U.S. News and World Report claimed that most Americans believe what they see on TV, are down on America and free enterprise, and see little hope for the future. A Marxist is taught to exaggerate the evils of free enterprise and deny the fundamental basis of our society: Biblical principles and their influence on and through individuals, say the authors. 

   They continue: All views which deny the sovereignty of God must distort the facts of history (statues must fall?). They become revisionists, and may tolerate any views except the Providential view. This helps explain why Marxists and socialists, when they take charge of a nation, will purge many people, including Christians.  

   Examples: Soviet Union and Cambodia. 

Monday: The "Who Cares" Mentality


Thursday, July 8, 2021

Seeing Clearly Now    

   Either God fathered self-governing Christians 2,000 years ago, and made a covenant with our founders some 245 years ago ... or there is no God, and both history and the future are meaningless. Only the present matters. 

   Whoever wins this struggle will determine our national identity going forward. 

   We can't say today's movers and shakers, educators and "progressive" news media have surprised us with their ideas. They are the world, and U.S. Christianity has been on the decline for decades. 

   In a book, The American Covenant, a humanist is quoted: Religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and not created. We find insufficient evidence for belief in the existence of a supernatural; it is either meaningless or irrelevant to the survival and fulfillment of the human race. 

   While there is much that we do not know, humans are responsible for what we are or will become. No deity will save us; we must save ourselves.

Cyclical View of History

   The book continues: The cyclical view of history is as old as antiquity and sees the same pattern in the events of men. This view explains China, India, the Middle East, Greece and Rome, and in the 1960s found its way to American college campuses, gaining wide acceptance. 

   17th century philosophers - still being studied - saw life as an endless repetition of living and dying. Individualism replaced tradition. Many students influenced by Eastern religions come to believe nothing (beyond themselves) matters. 

   The importance of individual achievement to better the world is lost.

   Surprised? All the above comes from a book my Dad bought 40 years ago.

 Tomorrow: The Marxist View of History


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

 The War on Babies 

    Many politicians and justices think a woman's right to choose is more legitimate than a baby's right to life. 

   Not Al Gore. "...a deep personal conviction that abortion is wrong." 

   Not Dick Gephardt. "The life of the unborn should be protected at all costs." 

   Not Bill Clinton. "I am opposed to abortion." 

   Not David Souter. He opposed public funds for "the killing of unborn children." 

   Not Anthony Kennedy. Abortion is a "great evil."   

   Then: Gore decided to run for president. Gephardt decided to run for president. Clinton decided to run for president. Ambitious Republicans who had been pro-life became neutral. Ambitious Democrats moved from fuzzy to pro-abortion. 

   In 1992, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the Court again approved Roe, 5-4, with GOP nominees Souter & Kennedy in favor of the "great evil" of "killing the unborn." Who got to them?  

What's Your Concept?   

   Kennedy wrote: ...on matters like abortion "involving the most intimate and personal choice a person may make in a lifetime, choices central to personal dignity and autonomy are central to the liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment (the Bill of Rights for ex-slaves.) At the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life."  

   That statement - whatever the justice intended - is now the war cry of the hard left. No more nuclear family. No fathers or mothers. No male or female. Him or her. No sanctity of life, in the womb or on the streets. Is it liberty or anarchy?

A Man's Right 

   An observer says, "Roe had done more to encourage irresponsible male behavior than any other event." Another said, "Let's call abortion a man's right." Polls show more men than women favor easy abortion. 

Details from Marvin Olasky



Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Right or Wrong

A Storm Upon US  

   And we don't mean Elsa.

   We have strife, foolishness and danger in our noisy streets. There is immorality, falsehood and bad company.  

   Youngsters grow up without fathers, and sometimes mothers. There are mockers. There is deception and corruption.   

   We know of a man with answers, if we would only listen. 

He explains right and wrong. 

   Attacks on law enforcement. Riots. Stealing. Rape. Murder. Drugs. Leaders who defend criminal behavior.

   The man calls attention to family, purity, humility,

 faithfulness, honesty, work, neighbor, discipline, prudence,

 discretion, justice, equity ... standards unknown on the streets.


   Living words are practical, prudent and righteous. True life begins not with knowledge or intelligence - these don't ensure spiritual life - but with wisdom. Wisdom is found in the fear of our Lord, the sovereign God. 

   This pathway begins with wisdom, and continues with trust and obedience. We yield our hearts and minds. We relate to him who is with us, and follow his standards. 

   This is figurative language. Wisdom is personified. The man whose writing provides wisdom for the year 2021 is Solomon, who wrote Proverbs about 30 centuries ago, before he wandered from the path. 

   Wisdom ultimately is found in Jesus, one "greater than Solomon," Luke 11:31, "in whom are all treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Colossians 2:3.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Life, Liberty and PACs  

WE hold these Truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal,

 that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,

 that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness - 

that to secure these Rights Governments are instituted among Men, 

deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed...

   Founding documents say nothing about Political Action Committees (PACs), which raise and spend millions to advance legislation, and to support or oppose candidates. Your vote and mine is not equal to their power. But we must vote while we can and hope that PACs we like outperform the rest. 

   Some of the PACs: 

Microsoft, labor unions, EMILY's List, National Rifle Assn., Senate Majority, Progressive Turnout Project, House Majority, Future Forward USA, America First, Priorities USA, Leadership PACs, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Deoitte & ToucheFederal, Ernst & Young, KPMGP Partners / Principals & Employees, Susan B. Anthony, NARAL, Planned Parenthood. 


Sunday, July 4, 2021


I was not aware of it

Each moment we live outside the awareness of God's presence is sleepwalking.

Paul wrote, Wake up, O sleeper...and Christ will shine on you. 

Jacob awoke and thought, 

Surely the Lord is in this place and I was not aware of it.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

"I will be with you." 

The most frequent promise in the Bible.

Adam and Eve were promised God's presence. 

Enoch "walked with God."

The promise came to Noah, Abraham and Sarah, Jacob, 

Joseph, Moses, David, Amos, Mary, Paul and many others. 

Do not be terrified...for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. 

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, 

I will fear no evil; for you are with me. 

Immanuel - God with us. 

Jesus promised to send the Spirit so that

I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Dear Senator Manchin,

    You may have a history as a “proud Democrat,” but sir, if you are proud of today’s party, I’ve sadly misunderstood. Radical or self-serving factions within your party – not just politicians – CEOs, professors, news media, etc. - threaten our constitution, its principles and God-centered humanity.

    Marxists who arrived in the 1930s now have a real voice. Defund police? Ignore crime? Riot and burn? Divide and conquer? Squash the middle class? Open our border to every drug and trafficking cartel and who knows what else?  

    For the People legislation. Its very name is suspect. National government has little to no business interfering with state voting laws, imperfect as some may be. When the U.S. has the say over elections, we will become Communist China West. Is that okay?  

    Soldiers risk their lives. Surely you can risk your status to do right, not expedient, not compromised. Declare yourself an independent if you wish.  

    I participated in a "critical race theory" exercise in the 1990s, only I didn’t know then what it was. Hogwash! I was stunned.

    It’s the 4th of July:  God, people, government…in that order.



To my readers: I'm not a "proud" Republican. 

But if our republic survives, it won't be thanks to the Swamp creatures. 


Thursday, July 1, 2021


   The true nature of a man is how he treats someone who can do him no good. 

   There was an Indiana man of "the greatest generation" who retired to Florida, where we met him in church. Our brother-in-law became best friends with Bob and spoke at his committal service, Tuesday.  

   Keep in mind that you're more interested in what you have to say than anyone else. 

   We were privileged to attend the service, including military honors, in Florida National Cemetery. Bob received four bronze stars during World War II. 

   People, they cause more problems than anybody.

   He returned to Indiana after Thressa died, and at age 95 joined her in glory. We met his son and two daughters, his grandchildren and great-grandchildren who traveled here to honor him. 

   Never apologize for being inadequate. If you are inadequate, people will figure it out soon enough.

  You are reading "Daddyisms" that his family included in a summary of his eventful life, along with their touching reflections. 

   God gave us two ears and one mouth, to listen twice as much as we speak. 

   Bob was a licensed minister, church planter, teacher, a licensed electrical contractor, taught electrical engineering at a technical college, and finally, supervised electrical and security divisions at Speedway Petroleum.

   People spend money they don't have, to buy things they don't need, to impress people they don't like.

   He was president of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship in Muncie, and participated in several mission trips, including Hong Kong. 

   I don't quite understand all that I don't know about that. 

   His son said it takes the whole family even to begin to fill his shoes.

   When we forgive, we free ourselves from the bitter ties that bind us to the one who hurt us. 
