Saturday, November 28, 2020

 What's in Our Oven? 

   We hope you appreciated our summary of Mr. Gairdner's article, illustrating the tide of history's failures now repeating across our land. 

   After we digested the article, we began to notice words and methods that sound much like today's American left - envy, cancel culture, equality, enemies, elimination. 

   Do progressive intellectuals not understand the pit they are digging for us, and themselves? Are so-called moderate Democrats morally okay with who it is they're in bed with? 

   In college we learned about figures such as Rousseau and Robespierre. So what? That was then. They were over there. 

   Well, hello! 

   On Monday we wrote of Trump and Biden as heating on the stovetop. But the cake in America's oven is what should concern us most. Will Biden's friends be the icing on that cake? 

   Finally, author Gairdner wrote of "evil." 

   There is no denying that evil requires its own author, that is the spirit, Satan. He was there in the Garden of Eden. In Babel. In Rome, in ages of monarchs and misguided clergy, in France, Germany, Cuba, Moscow, China, Iran.

   Now he has infiltrated diverse institutions of the last hope of Earth. 

   We win by trusting and obeying the One who governs the universe, not humans or human institutions. Whatever is in the oven, our food comes from the bread of life.



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