Thursday, November 5, 2020

 Are We Waking Up?  

   As we type this Wednesday afternoon, a precious, few votes (or cheats) in competitive states will determine if our country clings to its founding principles, or takes another step toward communism. 

   Catherine Yang writes, "anti-racist training teaches racism; a Green New Deal spells disaster for the environment; diversity initiatives demand conformity; "health care" ends life - with euthanasia, assisted suicide and abortion." She quotes a historian of Marxism, Mike Shotwell, who was raised in a communist family. 

   The Democratic Party has always included socialist politicians, some with openly Marxist or Stalinist ties. But not until 2016 did Sen. Bernie Sanders run as a democratic socialist...and the discussion is now out in the open. 

   Shotwell says the 1948 Progressive Party was in reality a Communist Party, run by communists. They used "patriotism" when they meant "socialism." 

   Communist handbooks call for lying, "anything to promote your cause," and "by any means necessary," a phrase now used by Democrats. The phrase, "If you say something often enough people will come to accept it," did not originate in America. 

   Shotwell adds that "the left puts everything into a morality play, but they have no morals." 

   He notes, "Reality is grounded in objective truth. Western civilization is founded on the Ten Commandments, truths from God, not the mind of man. Communism breaks every one of those commandments and seeks a world with no nuclear family, private property or freedom. With them, words have no meaning." 

   Shotwell sees "antiracist training that looks exactly like the mandatory meetings of communist cells in the Soviet Union." 

   This "cancel culture" isn't new either. But, "the black population is awakening," he says. 



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