Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Bumps in the Night     

   4 a.m., November 4. President Trump has solid leads in Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan and Alaska. Nevada is doubtful. 

   His instincts kick in as vote-counting halts in the above states. The (95-percent Democratic) media, which assaulted him viciously for four years, slams the president for his remarks. 

   Delivering mailed ballots for days after the Nov. 3 "deadline," no questions asked? This despite weeks of early voting by mail that gave Americans more than enough time to vote, on time

   Epoch Times: "It's not who votes, but who counts the votes and who watches the watchmen." No clear postmark? No signature? So what? 

   Morning dawns. President Trump has a 600,000-vote lead in Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes). Networks, newspapers and the AP refuse to call the state for him ... likewise North Carolina, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin, where the president has solid lead.  

   The same "journalists" had no reluctance calling Virginia and California, before any ballots were counted. But they delayed calling Ohio and Florida for the president ... extending the uncertainty until all bumps in the night were safely in the bank. 

   Wisconsin. At 4 a.m., some 170,000 absentee and "early" ballots arrive in Milwaukee. Bump! Now Biden leads by 20,000. It's not the first time elections were won after voting ended...all favoring Democrats. 

   "Halt the vote when your opponent is ahead; find out how many more votes you need, and suddenly find them," writes the columnist. It worked in 1960 when Chicago Mayor Richard Daley delivered Illinois for JFK.

   8:20 p.m., November 9. God knows who won the most legitimate, electoral votes. We don't. But unless somebody fixes "the fix," we'll never again trust close elections. And that is a crying shame for a great democracy.



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