Friday, November 27, 2020



   Even Robespierre, the grand theorist of the French Revolution, lost his head. He walked dazed and beaten to the guillotine holding his copy of Rousseau's "Social Contract." 

   William Gairdner does not suggest that the U.S. or Canada will ever reach such a point. But no one thought (nominally Christian) Germany would, either. 

   Prominent Western progressives, he writes, admired Hitler, as did people like Charles Lindbergh, for raising Germany from the ashes of World War by the power of government. The two largest professional memberships in the Nazi party were educated teachers and lawyers. 

   Today, our universities, now secularized, increasingly resort to a mindset that produces evil. We shouldn't believe we are exempt from the worst natural consequences of such thinking. 

   Once a bastion of liberty, universities of the West have become islands of ideological oppression. Observers point out that when fascism comes to America (and Canada) it will come in the name of democracy. (the very word Democrats use in criticizing Trump and justifying their own goodness)

   The author says that the notion of "substantive equality" has become a modern substitute for divine grace. D.H. Lawrence once described a kind of "earthly bread" to be gathered up by our priesthood of social engineers and redistributed as "heavenly bread" to thankful, docile masses. 

                                       Tomorrow: Our comments


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