Monday, November 2, 2020

 Sure Cure for Police 'Brutality'     

   When police use "excessive force," the community reacts and violence follows. Innocent people and businesses pay a price. Outsiders - like bees after honey - come in and destroy property. 

   There is an easy way to prevent cops from shooting people:

Stop resisting police

 Comply first, complain later 

   So says Attorney General William Barr, speaking to a national police association. He would have zero tolerance for resisting police arrests. 

   We don't expect people incensed by police shootings to heed him. 

   Some 30 years ago before we knew anything about the subject, we happened to hear a former Cleveland cop say, "All they want to do is fight us." If I'm not mistaken, more white men are killed by police than blacks. They don't make the  news. 

   Most people agree that police who dishonor their uniform need to be disciplined or fired...and not automatically hired by another force. 

   Police, often facing personal danger, are the public authority, and they must prevail. 

   The majority of city dwellers want police protection. Politicians, news media and lawyers seem to support the lawless minority. Some push to remove policies that protect an officer from financial ruin. Defunding police is a popular stupidity. 

   We don't know what it's like to be a cop, or black, or to live in the city. With the exception of disorderly men with mental or drug issues, there doesn't have to be a deadly confrontation. Tasers? Sure, unless the dudes are armed. 

   Most of those we've heard about were committing a crime or threatening others, and added resistance ... to their avoidable demise.    


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