Monday, November 23, 2020

Coming to a nation near you...


   Never mind Trump and Biden on the stove top. What's baking in America's oven?

   Over four days we will summarize an exceptional article by Canadian author William Gairdner. You might read Sunday's Views before continuing.


   Difference........ is the rule of the universe. 

   The imperfect dream of the West is freedom, effort, merit and self-determination - an impartial law - equal for all. Everyone is born with a different hand, played to the best of one's ability under the same rules. Ideally, there is no distinction.

   Rising to replace that dream is a nightmare rooted in envy, as classes of people believe that differences are manmade, oppressive and discriminatory. So they demand that their lives be improved by laws and quotas. 

 ~ William Gairdner, The Epoch Times ~ 

(Here at Views By the Sea we understand our history is pockmarked with examples of unfair treatment of Natives, Irish, Italians, Africans, etc.) 

   The problem with top-down solutions is that they impose a new, official inequality found in totalitarian states - discriminating in favor of a group that did not earn a reward, against another which did not deserve punishment. 

   Similar failure dates to ancient Greece and Rome and through every collectivist nation. It begins with power-hungry classes of intellectuals bent on forcefully installing their versions of social justice. Equal outcomes is the cry. 

   It is found through the Middle Ages, in 18th century revolutions, in Marx and Engels in the 19th, and among current media, public institutions and law schools. 

   Tomorrow: Are we all born good?


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