Sunday, November 1, 2020

 Clergy (not) for Biden  

A few of the opinions sent by our Catholic friend in NC

Fr. James Altman: You cannot be a Catholic and a Democrat. Period. 

Fr. John Boye: Such Catholics are wolves in sheep's clothing.

Bishop Thomas Daly: can Catholics vote for a candidate like Biden?

Fr. Stephen Imbarrato: (Biden) is a walking and talking scandal to

Fr. Edward Meeks: How dare you present yourself as a faithful Catholic while trampling on the Church's most serious, fervently held moral precepts?

Cardinal Gerhard Muller: It's better to vote for a good Protestant than a bad    Catholic.

Archbishop Joseph Naumann: It is intellectually and morally an incoherent      position.

Fr. Michael O'Connor: (Biden does not) protect life (or) the sanctity and holiness of marriage. 

Bishop Thomas Paprocki: Biden pledged to restore...the policy that mandates churches, businesses, colleges and religious orders to provide coverage for abortion pills.  

Fr. Frank Pavone: You can't kill babies and...authorize anyone else to do so. 

Bishop Kevin Rhoades: Abortion is contrary to...the inalienable right to life of every innocent human being from the moment of conception.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano: (If Biden were elected) we would face an Orwellian which the rights that are considered fundamental and inalienable would be trampled with the complicity of mainstream media. 


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