Thursday, November 12, 2020

 Nothing to See Here    

   We are "above it all." So, we won't reveal that our home state used a two-tiered election system. 

   We won't report that Pennsylvania didn't properly verify mail-in ballots, possibly diluting the value of in-person ballots. 

   We won't note that a "supreme" deal allowed mail-in ballots to arrive and be counted three days after the vote. Or that by law, legislators have that responsibility, not courts. 

   Nor will we report that some 25,000 nursing home residents asked for mail-in ballots at the same exact time. 

   We won't tell you that more than 20,000 ballots had impossible return dates. However, we must give a shout-out to the postal service. More than 51,000 ballots were marked as returned just one day after they were sent out. 

   Don't believe me that 35,000 were returned the same day they were mailed out. Or that another 23,000 had a return date earlier than the sent date. Or that more than 9,000 had no sent date. 

   We won't go low on Michigan, either. It must be fake news that a Detroit employee said she was told to backdate mail-in ballots, and was not to look for deficiencies with ballots, and was not to ask for IDs when voters arrived in person. 

   Who would believe election workers would coach voters to choose Biden? And how could tens of thousands of ballots arrive at 4:30 a.m., apparently all for Biden? 

   Using the SSDI Index, Michigan validated 10,000 dead or suspected dead voters. Another 2,000 are 100 years old or more. And operators were adding names and addresses to the poll book, to confirm the ballots? 

   Friends, just forget this blog and come back tomorrow. Nothing to see here.




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