Wednesday, November 18, 2020

 The America Trump Wants to Restore

                                  Facts as of 2011, Obama/Biden years. 

   The U.S. was becoming "post industrial." America had been first in the industrial revolution. America had shown the world how to mass produce automobiles, televisions and airplanes.  

   It was American manufacturing that crushed Germany and Japan in World War II. 

   By 2011, tens of thousands of factories had already left the U.S. Millions of manufacturing jobs were lost. The U.S. had become a consumer of everything, but producer of increasingly little. 

   Our biggest export in 2011 was waste paper. A bloated, spoiled economy was a shadow of itself.

   Once, America could out produce the rest of the world combined. Then we became the largest consumer in the world. 

   We created the biggest debt bubble in world history in an effort to maintain a high standard of living. This is not sustainable. 

   Between 2001 and 2011, including the Bush years, the U.S. lost about 42,000 factories. For example, Dell Inc. planned to expand operations in China, investing $100 billion over a decade. 

   In 2008, we bought 1.2 billion cell phones - all made outside the U.S. Our trade deficit with China cost > a half-million jobs in one year. 

   Between 1999 and 2008, American companies overseas increased employment by 30 percent to 10.1 million. Meanwhile, domestic employment in those companies declined by 8 percent to 21.1 million.

   At the end of 2009, Americans employed in manufacturing had dropped to its low point of 1941, during the Great Depression. 

   In 2011, our consumption accounted for 70 percent of GDP, and 70 percent of that was for services.  

If you missed us Tuesday, no Views,

we marked our anniversary

with a real view by the sea.


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