Sunday, November 15, 2020

 Seeking Unity  

   If this is the end times, the church needs to be joined in purpose and passion. Since Martin Luther challenged the ways of the former Roman church, Protestants have exploded into multiple versions of "the" church. 

   What is Jesus thinking? 

   "His will (not ours) be done on earth as it is in heaven."  

   If there is precious, little time to win souls, the church must become one in purpose and passion. A lost world can believe in the One who God sent to unite us under his love for all...if we stop emphasizing our differences and cultivate unity. 

   This doesn't mean, "anything goes." 

   The gospel is clear, and it is powerful. God's grace covers our differences. We need to see each other as Jesus sees us. 

I have overcome the world.

   In 1970 we joined an independent church that went by the Book, but not all of it, and we grew in knowledge. But, most members wouldn't even join a fellowship picnic or sing in a community choir with others who also follow Jesus.   

    There was a joke - St. Peter showing a newcomer around, pointing out where the Baptists worshipped and where Presbyterians gathered. Next they came to a large curtain. 

   He ask Peter who was behind the curtain. "They think they're the only ones up here," he answered. 



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