Saturday, March 14, 2020

What Are Our Interests?     
   Sometime next week we should be ready to summarize our view of the book, Profiles in Corruption. It's a (sickening?) look into eight powerful politicians, most of whom want even more power over you and me. There are 90 pages of "notes" - sources which base the author's information. 

   Meanwhile, we haven't forgotten the best information of all. In Philippians chapter 2, Paul writes, Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.   

   There couldn't be a starker contrast between the world and the attitude Christ demonstrated. 

   In fact, the way our republic operates today - and we still prefer it - politicians who win high office without selfish ambition and vain conceit must be the exception. Profiles in Corruption demonstrates how it works. 

   Paul continues in verse 21, For everyone looks out for his own interests. Then he acknowledges that we do have self interests, but that we also should look out for the interests of others. 

   Others? We're certain he meant those in need, not those who can grease the wheels toward extraordinary wealth and power.

   If you are like me, you were born self-centered, wanting your bottle NOW! Some of us with good parenting and teaching gradually learn to care for those less fortunate or in temporary difficulty. 

   Politicians can say they care, but their habits behind the scenes reveal a focus on wealthy, well-connected folks who fund their campaigns. When it's a choice between the needy or favoritism toward donors who want favors, we don't have to guess. 

   The sin of pleasing others only to win their favor is not confined to the political class and its wealthy connections. God knows our thoughts. We hope He is willing to bless you today. 



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