Tuesday, March 17, 2020

"Vote for me and I'll take care of you."
This message paid for by developers, lawyers, 
business leaders, party hacks and unions, whose
interests I will address - along with my own, my family
and friends - after you suckers put me in office.

   Peter Schweizer's book, PROFILES IN CORRUPTION, reveals the muck under the grass. Those seeking highest office have records, so it behooves us to look before we leap...into the voting booth. 

   Today, we're down to two Democrats for president, but beware, the others may reappear. We put a check mark  next to every mention of injustice, untruth, abuse of power, favoritism, phony LLCs. Here are the counts:

Kamala Harris - 43. As California AG, pressed charges against some; dropped cases against those who supported her.

Joe Biden - 90. The "king of sweetheart deals." Looks the other way when family members leverage his name to enrich. White House goal from the start. 

Cory Booker - 83. Steering taxpayer money to friends, he didn't do Newark any favors as mayor. Lied about camping all night in bad neighborhoods.  

Elizabeth Warren - 78. Known for progressive/socialist rhetoric. Less known for milking capitalist donors on her way to multi-millionaire status. 

Sherrod Brown - 33. Ohio senator...decades of pay to play.

Bernie Sanders - 106. Same methodology as Warren.

Amy Klobachar - 21. It's all about her.

Eric Garcetti - 25. Mayor of least livable city in top 20, Los Angeles. Abused zoning regulations. Wants to be president. 

   Our loser of losers: Bernie, the Wizard of Oz. Takes donations from high rollers, using two methods to cover it up. Worst lie: pretending to be an Independent.  



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