Monday, March 9, 2020

Never Too Old     
   Someone in a New Hampshire retirement home was suffering from Parkinson's disease. She was bent over at the waist.

   Her sister down South and a friend had been praying for her for years. 
On a recent Monday evening, while the church choir rehearsed the song Waymaker, one of the members received a word from the Lord. 

   The woman was healed.

   Her sister flew North to see for herself. She found her sitting upright and talking normally. Each day she became stronger. When asked when she knew she was healed, the woman said "about 8 o'clock Monday night." (We may be a little off on the exact time.)    

   That Saturday, the visiting sister by then at the airport, prayed once more, this time for salvation. Her cell phone rang. Her healed sister wanted to talk about eternal life.

   Not only was she healed, by the grace of God she received the gift of salvation. 
If other residents in the home need a witness, there she is.

   All the ladies in this story are senior citizens.

   God desires perseverance in prayer, and age is not a factor. 


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