Wednesday, March 18, 2020

We the People...Accomplices    
   Hope you saw our book summary yesterday. 

   The author concluded, "It is very easy to blame our public figures for the state of public corruption. But ultimately, the problem lies with us. We get the government we choose...the corruptions we tolerate. 

   "The progressive message continues to be 'hand us more power.' What they are asking us to do is ignore history - including their history - in how such power is actually exercised. We must ask ourselves, why trust someone with more power when you cannot trust the little they already have."
~ ~ ~
   Oh for similar investigations into every candidate for Congress, the White House and governorship. Never mind what they say. Are they honest? 

   It's seldom been easy for voters, unless we just look for an R or D.

   Little-known Abe Lincoln won election only because two Democrats split votes in a three-man race. Thank God - not voters - he was a great leader, strong to save the Union. Later, President U.S. Grant, of Civil War fame, not so much.  

   In our time, on North Hero Island in Lake Champlain, little did we know we drove past Sen. Bernie Sanders' second home, complete with 500 feet of shoreline. Keep your small dollars coming, young people. 

   Close call! In 2018 Mayor Andrew Gillum narrowly lost Florida's gubernatorial election to Ron DeSantis. Last week, police found Mr. Gillum in a Miami hotel with two other men, too inebriated to talk. They also found three bags of crystal meth. Gillum denied using meth. Sunday, he announced he will enter rehab for alcohol abuse. Florida's star Democrat has fallen.

   How close he came to governing our third largest state, with 21 million residents and 126 million visitors (in 2018). 

Answers to Trivia
   If a WWI insured soldier died, he bought the farm for his survivors. 
   Like Civil War iron-clad ships, an iron-clad contract can't be broken.


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