Wednesday, March 11, 2020

  I admit it.  
 I talk to myself. 
Remember when the family spent summers living in a tent by the lake? 

How could I forget? Those were great times. All play. No school. 

Well, do you know that you're a tent? 
Jimmy's Double Vision, No. 6         
What are you talking about? I'm a what?  

In Paul's words, you are my tent. When I, your spiritual heart, received Jesus, by grace he gave me the Holy Spirit as a deposit on eternal life. Far better than a tent, I have a "building from God" waiting for me.

Go ahead, humiliate me. 

Oh no, my tent. You're a miracle! God created you! But, you're mortal. You provide eyes and ears that I use to receive God's Word. And if I allow his Spirit to help, his Word comes alive and enriches my growth.

Sounds like you're pretty proud of yourself.

I have no reason for conceit or pride. Having experienced the presence of God, I have nothing to say for myself...that is, for you. Like Paul, I boast only in the cross. 

I still like myself, if you don't mind.  

You have worldly views. I'm a new creation. But, I still rely on you to function in this temporary world. 

Well, at least I'm not just a piece of canvas.

Based on 2 Corinthians 5

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