Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Friedman Interview, Part 2 

Q. During a clash between India and Pakistan, two countries with nuclear weapons, your response was, "Something more for CNN to get hysterical about. It was a slow news day." 

   The media have declined extraordinarily. I used to go to The New York Times and gain from it some information. The Times, which used to have people who knew about intelligence, never explained how its source (for classified material) could know what happened unless he was breaking the law. 

Q. Do Times editors really care about truth? 

   They don't care. They have someone who's willing to say something that they repeat as truth, if it suits their agenda. 

Q. Any good news from the Middle East? 

   The Russians are double-crossing the Iranians by allowing the Israelis to fly through their airspace without notifying the Iranians. And the Turks are beginning to think about doing something against the Iranian-Syrian regime, which they don't like.

Q. Two years ago you said, "Vladimir Putin will be precisely where he is, bluffing a busted flush. His economy is a wreck." 

   The economy is still bad and getting worse. In Syria he won a great victory - for what end I don't know. Every time there is a crisis he flies to a discussion, so he'll be noticed. But he's bluffing. 

Q. Are the North Koreans bluffing?

   Look, you're North Korea and you're afraid of everybody. What do you do? 
You make absurd claims about your strength and your manliness.

Conclusion to follow.

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