Friday, March 27, 2020

In China     
Ongoing Slavery     
   This December, China said its roughly 1 million, detained Uighurs had "graduated" from its "reeducation" camps. How nice.

   Later reports reveal a new phase of forced labor for these Muslim minorities. Some are said to be making Nike sneakers and Apple iPhones. The Australian Strategic Policy Institute claims the Chinese transferred at least 80,000 to factories in the supply chains of 83 global brands, including Apple, BMW, Nike, Google, Huawei, Samsung, Sony and Volkswagon.  

   With more than a billion people, China can't provide its own slave labor?

More Free Stuff, More Debt 
   When our economy was booming - you remember, a month ago - we had a $1 trillion budget deficit and $23 trillion in national debt. Now, with the economy bitten by the COVID-19 virus, we're spending another $2 trillion to sustain it. 
   Where's that money coming from? We all want this to work out because our lifestyle depends on it. 

   Politicians in both parties are unfamiliar with the word austerity because it doesn't produce votes. Sorry, kids and grandkids. We're all part of the problem. 

Sooner or Later     
   He frustrates the devices of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success.
He catches the wise in their own craftiness, and the schemes of the wily are brought to a quick end.  Job 5:12-13 

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