Friday, March 13, 2020

There Is a Blue Lining      

   We see the spread - not of the virus - but the precautions. Hardships occur even for those without infection; college-senior basketball players will miss their ultimate goals. 

   Wednesday the NCAA banned fans from the March Madness tournament. The next day it cancelled the games, period. What will college students do without on-campus drinking parties? Even spring break might be sprung!!!

   Stuck in Europe? Too bad. Want to partake of wine and holy water at church? 
Self-commune at home, we guess.

   Pro basketball and hockey games are suspended. Pro golf, too. Baseball spring practice is taking a short stop, and the season is delayed two weeks. A double no-play! 

   Our neighbor cannot visit her mother in a quarantined nursing home. 

   You might get a room on a cruise ship, if quiet stillness is your thing. You can vote, if you take your own pen into the booth. And stay clear of Wall Street; people may be jumping from above.

   Wow! Oil prices are way down! But what good is that if you can't go anywhere? Disneyland is quiet as a mouse. 

   If only Congress would quarantine itself for a few years.

   Friends, we know this is serious. Not as deadly as routine flu, traffic fatalities and homicides. But it's no joke.

   Here's what you CAN do: We publish Views By the Sea almost every day; we offer a healthy, blue lining. (Our official colors are blue and blue.) We put a filter on our outgoing cable; even if we contract COVID-19, we won't infect you and the world at large.  

   However, don't come here. Florida has banned large gatherings, so we locked the gate to our compound in the spirit of social distancing.   ...Cough   


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