Wednesday, March 4, 2020

  Little White Lies  
You sometimes overrule me. And I'm getting tired of it.  

Why do I upset you, my old self? 

Well, the Bible says no one is righteous, so what's the big deal about occasional anger and little white lies? I'm not into debauchery or witchcraft, but can I help it if I get jealous, or selfish, or envy someone?  

You follow the basic principles of the world. That doesn't cut it with our Holy God. We don't get to choose which sins are X rated and which ... well ... He doesn't wink. 

Sounds like Jesus expects perfection.

If someone died for you, would you disgrace his memory by trashing his name? Of course, humans fall short...sometimes without realizing it. When I your spiritual companion become aware, I confess and repent. That's what He wants. 
Jimmy's Double Vision, No. 5        
That sounds like a put down.               

Well, it humbles us, which He has every right to do. I can't use freedom from "the law" to indulge sinful nature. You and I are in conflict.

So, what can I get away with?

Old Jimmy, you can't help yourself. I can overrule you as I try to follow Christ. And if I allow the Holy Spirit to rule me, we will live by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. That's a good thing for both of us.  

 Based on Galatians chapters 4 & 5 

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