Thursday, March 5, 2020

Threat's Greatest Accomplishment   
   We would rather not waste time on politics. But as the late Charles Krauthammer said, "If we don't get the politics right, nothing else matters."

   So, here goes. President "Threat" likes to recite his many achievements - mostly through executive action - since wading into the Washington swamp in 2017. No one is perfect, but serving without pay is a start.  
   (We're not forgetting Threat's unpresidential, 
rascally way of demeaning his detractors.) 

   Today, we give him our first ever Victorious Views Award - not for good deeds, but for exposing the denizens of the swamp. Corruption hates light. 

   Threat calls, and they crawl out of hiding. Threat acts, and they bellow. 
Threat wins, and they whine before the cameras. 

   We know some by name: politicians who find fault with every word said or not said. And news media in unison echoing daily Democratic talking points. Notice how talking heads contort their faces to convince us they are really, really important and, lest you forget, the sky is falling. 

   There is FBI leadership and the State Department -  to name two - protecting their own as if they are stand-alone governments.

   If only this was politics as usual. It's not. It's the historically ferocious response from the denizens. Truth be dammed.      
   An outsider dared to do it his way, and the threatened swamp (not all of them donkeys) is hotly on defense, revealing its fear. 

   Conservative and moderate voters must understand. 

   Or else - when Donald Threat leaves office - those who would "govern" us for personal and family benefit will prevail and slink back into their nests. 
As with Hillary's 33,000 destroyed emails...we won't know the half of it. 




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