Monday, March 2, 2020

   I Repent   
Yesterday, family and friends held a service
  for a local man I didn't know well.  
In the world's eyes, he was more accomplished.
Yesterday, I was down on him because to my
knowledge, he never received the grace of God.
It was almost as if he offended me.

I don't know what happened in the
few short hours between his good health and death.
But, if my information is correct...   

Yesterday, the Lord was grieved. In his heart was pain.
Genesis 6:6

In Psalm 30, David cried for mercy:
What gain is there in my silence, if I go down into the pit?
Will the dust praise you? Will it proclaim your faithfulness?

Today, I repent of my arrogance.

It is the Lord who created the man for himself.
It is the Lord who was denied the praise He deserves.
It is the Lord whose faithfulness was not proclaimed.
It is the Lord who so loved the world that He gave us his Son.

Some tomorrow, his grief over rejection will turn to wrath...
seven bowls of wrath. Revelation 16. 

The flood - long before the cross - was only a hint.


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