Friday, January 31, 2020

Thanks, Brett    
   Earlier this week we blogged about the sport of rugby, a cousin of football. We wondered if football fans would ever take to rugby - players wear no pads or helmets, but are far less likely to be injured.

   Friday morning we received a high five from NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre. Well, he spoke on TV during interviews leading up to Super Bowl 54. 

   Favre has two daughters. If we heard it right, he said that if he had sons most likely they wouldn't have played football. "One brain injury might be one too many," he reasoned. 

What's the Hurry?
   It didn't take long for a new Democrat-controlled state house and senate to kill protections for unborn babies. Virginia's governor, who favors letting infants die after failed late-term abortions, is expected to sign a bill that:

- omits a requirement that only licensed physicians can perform abortions.

- allows facilities to carry out abortions without offering an ultrasound 
or giving mothers certain information 24 hours in advance. 

   Last year, during Republican control, Democrats tried and failed to expand abortion in the state. 



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