Monday, January 27, 2020

Have You Heard?    
   The Apostrophe' Protection Society has called it quit's. Laziness and ignorance win's, they say. Apostrophe' abuse will continue until the end of time.' 

   Speaking of lazy, we deny that we are too lazy to keep up with our daily schedule of blogs. Truth is, we're into our second week of visiting sister-in-law in the hospital. 

   That and necessary activities at home such as meals, showers and laundry leave us little time for writing. Raise your right hand if you think this is good news. Plus, we lost a day or so dealing with a root canal. Tooth #19 in case you must know. 

   Mrs. Donut's sister is counting the days until escape...about four to go.

Capitalism Works...for Socialists  
   Think you're getting honesty from presidential candidates? We did find time to watch Life, Liberty & Levin Sunday evening. 

   He showed videos of Democratic politicians side by side with those of news media types. One would say something, followed by the other using almost identical words. This went on for a couple minutes. 

   For years on FOX we've seen clips of so-called journalists reciting the same lines someone has fed them. But this was telling: Most press and TV media are in the pocket of the Democratic Party.

   No big deal? This is the practice of communist and other dictatorships. Ask a citizen of Russia, China or Iran how free their press is.

   Levin's next segment was an interview with author Peter Schweizer who spent seven months researching presidential candidates. For more details, search his name.

   People like Biden, Warren and Sanders - the latter two espouse socialist views - have enriched themselves by using government connections to enrich themselves. Hunter Biden is only one of five in the family to play the game. 

   The Clintons and Obamas did okay in a capitalist, prosperous system Obama claims to dislike. Are there Republicans who have quietly made similar fortunes?


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