Tuesday, January 7, 2020


   One study found that a pregnant woman's brain cells activate a warning when nearby objects get too close to her abdomen. Another discovery finds that honeybees protect their hive by passing immunity to certain diseases from one bee to another. 

   As we shared once before, octopus arms can think for themselves and send information back and forth, bypassing the brain. 

   Archaeologists who don't intend to establish Biblical truth, continue to demonstrate Biblical truth. 

   Skeptics who say King David never ruled over a powerful Israel must explain a fortified wall discovered in southern Israel that dates to the time of David's grandson, Rehoboam. The wall could mean that Rehoboam fortified the city of Lachish as the Bible says. And a united and powerful kingdom under David and Solomon was already established before Rehoboam's reign. 

   Scholars also deny that David conquered the Edomites (2 Samuel 8:14), because Edom didn't arise until 300-plus years after David. But a new study found that Edom existed and flourished even before David's predecessor, Saul, became king. 

Pardon Our Skepticism

   Hundreds of thousands of agitated Iranians were shown on TV parading along with a casket reportedly carrying the late general, Qassem Soleimani, killed by a U.S. drone strike. 

   Forgive our irreverence, but who or what is in that casket? If you saw the flaming wreckage of his vehicle, the mangled pile of metal, and the holes blown in a concrete wall nearby, you might surmise the general and companions were blown to bits and the bits were simultaneously cremated. Just our guess.


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