Saturday, February 1, 2020

  From Babel to Depravity to Salvation  

After the flood, God began all over again to deal with his creation...
we the creatures made in his image. It wasn't with Noah and his family, 
but with later descendants who settled in Shinar (Mesopotamia). 
Genesis chapter 11.

Rather than submit to God, they chose to make their own destiny 
through man-centered organization, power and accomplishments.
Who of us hasn't looked out for No. 1?

They began to build a tower to the heavens (stars)
and "make a name" for themselves.
The place was called Babel.
Did they not heed the Garden of Eden story,
or even the more recent flood?

Satan likely initiated this pride and rebellion.
God confused their language and scattered them over the earth. 

Therefore, did people become righteous and obedient?
They turned to idolatry, sorcery and astrology.
See Romans chapter 1 to count their/our sinful ways.

Therefore, did God fail to accomplish anything?
No again.
He knew what he was doing. And he called Abram.

Two thousand years later in the person of Jesus,
Son of God, he finished his work.

You and I don't need a tower. We need to fall on our knees.

 (With help from our commentary)                                       Don't miss Monday's Views.   

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