Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Need Travel Ideas?    

   Things are looking up in Africa.

   More than 100,000 Muslims in Casablanca worship in the Grande Mosquee Hassan II, the largest mosque on the continent. It opened in 1993 at a cost of $700 million, funded by some 12 million donors. 

   The mosque features a 689-foot minaret with a laser that beams toward Mecca, surely a tourist attraction.

   In Dakar, Senegal's capital on Africa's west coast, Massalikul Jinaan mosque opened last September. It features marble exterior, gold-leaf interior, a giant chandelier with 2,000 lights, and five minarets. 

   Also in Dakar, a secular 161-foot African Renaissance Monument is Africa's tallest statue. $27 million. 

   It is called a tribute to Africa's greatness, says Marvin Olasky, while half of Senegal's population is illiterate, very poor and mostly unemployed. Construction jobs were given to North Koreans. (The PRNK government keeps for itself most of the wages paid in foreign projects like this.) 

   You might visit a China-financed $34 million Museum of Black Civilization in Dakar that opened a year ago. Coming up, Senegal's president announced a $400 million high-speed train project. 

   If you prefer traveling the way of eternal life, there's nothing new. The sacrifice of Christ made redemption possible. The Spirit helps us war against our sinful nature, and in other ways, and grace abounds for those who overcome.  

A Poem by Luann
from Sunday comics:  
It's a new year once again, but what's new about it?
Will everything be better? I seriously doubt it. 
People still suffer from hunger, hate and war.
Plus other problems we continue to ignore.
We'll have the same arguments 'cuz no one gets along.
"My opinion's always right and yours is always wrong."
We say Happy New Year 'cuz that's the thing to do.
But it seems the number is the only thing that's new.

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