Monday, January 13, 2020

Lust for Power      

   When bad boys get a crown, it's hard to pry them off their thrones. Unelected monarchs, emperors and military strongmen don't go quietly in the night. 

   Regimes in North Korea (nukes) and Iran (nuke wannabees) protect their playgrounds.  

   The late Fidel Castro and now Maduro (so far) managed with routine military support, while citizens out of favor have just one hope - escape. 

   When bad boys threaten other nations' welfare, the latter spend blood and treasure to cut them down to size. See Germany, Japan, Iraq and Libya. Unfortunately, new bad boys often replace the old. See Iraq and Libya. 

   Many nations, some ruled by kings for centuries, now have sensible ways of limiting power, like term limits and free (maybe) elections. 

   One of our U.S. political parties sees itself alone as worthy of power, while news media and certain professors largely sing the same tunes. An interloper must be verbally tarred and feathered. 

   If they gain permanent control ... a Constitutional tweak here and another there ... and what do we have? A regime. FDR & Co. came close.  
   Just for fun, try to match these nations with regimes (old or current). It's easy. 

       Cuba                      Pol Pot
          Venezuela             Assad
          Spain                     Ho Chi Minh 
          Libya                     Hussein
          Sudan                    Alexander
          Botswana              Jong-un
          South Africa         Hirohito
          Saudi Arabia         Ottoman Empire
          Egypt                      Communist Party
          Italy                        Communist Party   
          Germany               Wilhelm II, Hitler
          Soviet Union        Mussolini, Nero 
          China                     Pharaohs
          Turkey                   House of Saud family
          Japan                     Apartide
          North Korea          Mugabe
          Greece                    al-Bashir 
          Iraq                         Gaddafi
          Vietnam                 Franco
          Syria                       Maduro
          Cambodia              Castro 

NCAA football championship: We guarantee that the Tigers will win tonight! 


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