Thursday, January 9, 2020

A Sly Senator    

   "I plan to be the last American president to be elected by the Electoral College. I want my second term to be elected by direct vote." - Sen. Elizabeth Warren

   Great. Candidates would cater to the eight or ten largest states, and all the rest of you can pound sand. Advantage, Dems. Congress might have something to say about what the senator "plans." 

44 percent - The share of American Christians who told pollsters that attending church is not an essential part of their faith.

65 percent - The percentage among undocumented immigrants in the U.S. (2010-2017) who came legally, then overstayed their visas.

220 pounds - The weight of netting, rope, plastics and other ocean trash found in the stomach of a dead whale beached in Scotland. 

56 - The initial count of deaths in massive crowds of Iranians mourning the loss of their revered general. More than 200 were injured.   
What Works 
   A Harvard study of 5,000 young people found that those who attend a religious service weekly scored higher in psychological well-being, more often volunteered, have a sense of mission, ability to forgive, and lower use of drugs and sexual activity. And they have lower risk of mental illness. 

   The bad news: There is a 20 percent decrease in overall attendance, and almost half of adults under 30 don't identify with any religion. 


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