Thursday, January 2, 2020

Our Resolutions   

   We were aided in our choice of New Year's Resolutions by accounts of unhinged Floridians in 2019. Therefore, in 2020 we vow not to:

* Jump off a surfboard onto a shark; that is mean
* Hide a baby gator in our yoga pants; we have no yoga pants
* Sit on a stranger's roof without proper clothing
* Assault someone with a burrito; what a waste of food  
* Ride a horse while breaking into someone's home ... without saddlebags in which to deposit money and jewelry 
More bad news for evolutionists 

   Researchers in China discovered fossils from 101 animal species, 53 percent of which were previously unknown. With no evidence of predecessors, evolutionists can offer no explanation for a large variety of complex animals that showed up during the Cambrian period. 

   Another discovery added to evidence that suggests Neanderthals, Denisovans and modern humans are one species. 

   With mounting evidence against Darwin, Yale University prof David Gelernter wrote an op-end for the Claremont Review of Books. He said evolution has failed to explain the origin of species and scientists should "get over Darwin and move  on." 
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