Monday, January 20, 2020

Sorry, Kids    
   We are ashamed. We're jeopardizing the future or our youngest generation. Our climate ignorance harms kids and violates their constitutional rights. 

   No denying it. Hurricanes! Rising seas!  

   In 1915, a youth advocacy group filed a lawsuit on behalf of 21 kids between the ages 8 and 18. A federal court dismissed it by 2 to 1, but other suits are in the works in both federal and state courts. 

Can you believe these horrible stories?
   One girl said she was forced to leave her Navajo reservation due to water scarcity. An 8-year-old, now 13, said storms have hurt his home on a barrier island off Florida. Another youngster complained of worsening asthma attacks from air pollution. Oh.....the humanity! 

   Justices were sympathetic, but said the U.S. alone cannot slow or stop climate change. Plus, it's on the U.S. Congress to end use of fossil fuels. Don't they know courts are supposed to make laws while Congress is busy impeaching the president? 

   We'll feel better if we just stop using fossil fuels and limit carbon dioxide emissions. 

   We're calling our young grandson to assure him we'll bury our car - so no one can drive it - even though it has just 28,000 miles. And we'll never again board an airplane to visit him in Ohio.

   To our great-granddaughters, ages 3 and 4 - a letter - so their parents can explain why we're cutting our electric power connection (no more TV cartoons). And we're through buying food products that evil trucks deliver to the supermarket. We'll erect a windmill in our back yard. 

   They'll thank us after we're gone. It's enough that we're leaving them trillions in national debt, and gradually losing our national trust in God.  


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