Monday, June 24, 2019

Wouldn't It Be Nice?      
   Maybe we could trade immigrants like pro baseball teams trade players. 
Hey, Honduras: Send us ten responsible people who will take the legal path to citizenship and contribute to their community's well being.

   We'll send you ten people who find their happiness in alcohol, drugs, pot or video games, or contribute to their community's moral darkness. 

   Nah. Honduras probably wouldn't go for that pitch. 

   People from Central America and lately from Africa are going to unbelievable lengths to play in America's ballpark, or at least get safely inside the gate. Wouldn't it be nice if we knew the character of each one?

   Multitudes of Africans migrated to Europe, and many have died trying. Recently, Europeans have cracked down, as have two main disembarking points - Turkey and Libya.

   Now Africans are flying to South America and beginning the arduous journey to the U.S. border. Who is paying the airfare, out of good will or otherwise?

   Current numbers aren't great, but triple the African asylum seekers of two years ago. Most come from the Republic of the Congo, Angola and the English-speaking part of Cameroon, where killing and other crimes are rampant. 

   Others on waiting lists include Ethiopians, Eritreans, Mauritanians, Sudanese and Congolese. 

   Prince Pombo, 26, a teacher and pro-democracy activist, fled the Democratic (?) Republic of Congo four years ago and finally arrived in Portland, Maine. He wants to rebuild a life for himself and his family. "I'd like to feel safe," he said."I'd like to build a decent life. I need to start again." 

   Seems like a decent candidate for legal immigration. Safe at home, for him. Wouldn't it be nice if all incomers were safe for us - at home?

Associated Press

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