Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Old Gray Horse   

   It all began when the Donuts accepted a new challenge - controlling, correcting, separating - no, no, we mean teaching children in the church nursery once a month. Our first battle - no, no, our first opportunity to help and guide these "little ones" whom Jesus loves - came this past Sunday.

   For starters, they outnumbered us, 3 to 2. And not your typical nursery. Our charges were ages 5, 4 and 2, the latter quite capable of entertaining herself the entire two hours. 

   We spent the first 15 minutes getting acquainted with the supplies: children's books, CDs, crayons, jars of bubble liquid, toys, animal crackers, etc. We didn't spot any paddles or duct tape.

   Mrs. Donut told them we will sing, "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands..." The 5-year-old responded, "That song is boring." Okay. Just an hour and 44 minutes to go.

   Remembering the example of our D-Day heroes, we charged ahead.

   Next, a lesson about Jesus healing the blind man, coloring images of the blind man, pretending to be the blind man...then on to snack time, blowing bubbles and more. 

   As they became more comfortable with us, they called Mrs. Donut, "Nanna" and me, "Grandpa." Victory was within sight when Grandpa foolishly engaged in Ring Around the Rosie. You know - "we all fall down." 

   Suddenly...                       Giddy up horsey! 

   Two riders had the old gray horse where they wanted him. We moved slowly over the carpet. Then, slumped... 

                                       Come on horsey. Go horsey!

   Just a few more feet. We ain't what we used to be.

   Monday morning, it was off to the fitness center. Gotta get in shape for next month's battle - no, no, service in the nursery.


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