Monday, June 10, 2019

Their Kind of, Maybe, Little Bit World   

   Prior to a big four-game series in Boston's home ballpark, Tampa Bay's manager Kevin Cash said, "We have to have our best weapons offensively to go out there and kind of compete against them, a little bit."  

   Is a little bit how you beat the Red Sox? Cash has spoken that way for years.

   Reminds me of former football coach Jim Tressell (now president of Youngstown State University), who addressed the media in much the same way. After a win that was convincing enough, he would tell reporters his defense kind of stood the test, and the offense was a little bit better than last week. Maybe, sort of, something like that. 

   These are both very accomplished men. They have their reasons.

   Aren't we glad Jesus didn't equivocate? Can you imagine? 

Blessed, a little bit, are the merciful.

You are sort of the salt of the earth.

Love your enemies a little bit, and sort of pray for those who persecute you.

For God somewhat loved the world.

Whoever drinks a bit of the water I give will almost never thirst.

My food is to do some of the will of him who sent me.

My Father is somewhat at his work.

I am sort of the bread of life.

He who believes in me a little bit has eternal life.

I am more or less the light of the world.

I am generally the good shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep. 

Enough already, Jimmy

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