Friday, June 14, 2019

He Will Take        
Several politicians running for president
claim to support democratic socialism.
See our Thursday blog for a few of recent
history's notable democratic socialists.

   "Tyranny is inevitable," writes Marvin Olasky. "When revolutions leave a power vacuum, the most ruthless eventually fill it. The American Revolution was an amazing exception."

   "The French Revolution has been true of every socialist upheaval." 
Edmund Burke: "At the end of every vista, you see nothing but the gallows." 

   (Even some leaders of the French Revolution later were hung by unhinged partisans.)

   In his youth, Olasky was frustrated with poverty, Vietnam and government, and he hated God.

   At age 22 he traveled to Moscow to enlist as a Russian propagandist. He eventually learned, "Leon Trotsky in 1940 didn't expect to die with Stalin's ice pick in his brain. Nor did Cuban democratic socialists think they would end up with Fidel Castro." 

   We suspect: There are people waiting to replace government of, by and for the people. We just don't know for certain, who. All they need is for enough of us to vote them into endless power, like Putin, and one will rise to the top. 

   We are warned. The same day we wrote this blog, we happened to come across 1 Samuel, chapter 8 ... Israelites asking for a king.

   The Lord told Samuel to warn the people about a king: 
He will take...v.11; He will take...v.13; He will take...v.14; 
He will take...v.15; and He will take...v.17.

   But the people refused to listen.           Will we? 

   There is only one King who is worthy, and He hasn't come yet.


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