Monday, June 3, 2019

Our Own Civil War    

   Have you noticed?

   While some state legislatures and governors have extended abortion rights up to the expected birthday, other states wish to ban abortion when a heartbeat is detected (at six to eight weeks). 

   While some states place regulations on abortion providers, at least one state government approves of "humane" killing of a baby that survives abortion. 

   This is war! Not over slavery, but life itself.   

   It may be the U.S. Supreme Court's recent tilt. Some politicians see an opportunity to save lives, while others see a threat to cherished "reproductive rights." 

   There is no Ft. Sumter in our war. No Manassas or Gettysburg. No 600,000 soldier deaths over four years. No crosses to mark graves.  

   Rather, there are tens of millions of nameless deaths over 45 years. All occurring out of (public) sight. No battle flags, history books or monuments. 

   We have reached the day in prophecy when some call evil "good," and good "evil." 

   Think we're kidding? Rep. AOC says having babies, period, may be "immoral" considering their eventual impact on the environment. 

   What does God think? He is not divided.   


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