Wednesday, June 26, 2019

To Borrow or to Lend?                                               $
   Last week in another city, we used a credit card to pay a restaurant bill. 
We think that's why, on Monday, card security called to ask if we used our card for several purchases, which she listed. 

   No in every case. She said the activity was Sunday in Miami, where we haven't been in over a decade. 

   The thief will have to find another source of "credit," and we wait up to 10 days for our replacement card.

   Meanwhile, our country is stealing from our grandchildren.  

   At least twice in Deuteronomy, Moses - inspired by God - tells the Israelites they soon will be established in the Promised Land where they... 
"...will lend to many nations but will borrow from none." 

   This wasn't a command, just a hint of prosperity for future obedience.

   If anyone knows how a government and its people can prosper indefinitely, it must be God Almighty, the Creator. 

   We see from the Bible and history that the people didn't obey Moses' commands, and did not receive the blessings. In time, they lost everything. 

   Obedience involves more than money, but here's my question: Does anyone believe God will favor the U.S. more than his "chosen people?" 

   We owe more than $21 trillion to other nations, and pay rising interest, including to communist China, which intends to dominate the world. 
(Search the national debt clock.)


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