Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Are They Kidding?  

   This is attributed to a spokesman for Indiana Democrat Peter Visclosky, (House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense). We have no verification.

   The Pentagon, he says, asked Congress for funds to reimburse the Taliban for expenses - transportation, lodging and food - in attending peace talks. If true, this would run afoul of law concerning material support to terrorists, the Taliban's offensive operations against U.S. service members, and their refusal to acknowledge the government of Afghanistan and the rights of women. 

   Rep. Visclosky's panel approved a $690.2 billion defense spending bill for fiscal 2020 that bars any funds for the Taliban, which is well-funded, much from the drug trade.

CQ-Roll Call 

Saying Grace

   Yesterday while Mrs. Donut went to lunch and shopping with her sister, we fixed our self a meal of bacon, eggs, a potato cake and a glass of water. 

   Sure, we thanked God. He made pigs, chickens (and eggs), potatoes and water. He also made air to breathe, and elements used in making skillets, plates, glasses, sinks, faucets, microwaves, stove tops, chairs, tables and utensils. 

   Didn't other people grow, transport, sell or otherwise provide my meal. Yes, and God made them too.

   By the way, why do we call it "grace?" 



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