Thursday, June 27, 2019

Leftocrats Take the Stage   

   It's political theater week, and Views at no charge offers a view that no for-profit news organization would dare suggest.

   We don't take advertising revenue, so we don't have a penny's worth of self-interest in capturing you and keeping you coming back for more. But, we like it when you buy into our blog, bye and bye. 

   See. We began writing today's copy before last night's debate, which debuted on deNBC network as Leftocrats debated one another. If you were looking for democracy at its best, you might have settled for a debacle. 

   Nothing personal or partisan. 

   In 2016 we  prepared for aspiring Righticans by making a chart: names across the top, issues down the side. 
   Like we successfully selected our last two vehicles: six makes and 30 points of comparison.

   Hit the brakes. Televised debates involving more than two people don't get us where we want to go, unless a single issue makes your day. No candidate in 2016 had opportunity to address every topic, and no topic received adequate attention. One question about an issue doesn't make or break it.

   We guess that primary voters selected Donald Trump because he was/is an outsider...none of the above. 

   Leftocrats took the stage in Miami. No matter the question, the response was:
corporations bad, workers good; 
rich and powerful bad, average folks (voters) good. 

   We didn't stay up for the entire show. Did viewers discover a way to decide, declare or debunk anyone? We did like the comment: "Keep what works; fix what's broken."   

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