Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Another View of the DR     
   Many of us realize that if we know only one fact about a person, a group, an idea, a country, most anything...we're unable to draw an accurate conclusion.

   Lately, the Dominican Republic became known for tourists - in good health - who have died mysteriously. The DR also made news when retired baseball star, national hero David Ortiz was shot in the back at a bar. Okay, that's two facts.

   Last November, some 30 occupational therapy (OT) students at Utica College in New York state spent two weeks there on a pediatric fieldwork project. 

   They spent one week in Santo Domingo and another in San Pedro, with guidance, of course. In addition to helping local therapists and caregivers, they presented at a conference to some 200 DR health care professionals. 

   Working with therapists who have been practicing for as long as the students have been alive, they were respectful of the culture and suggested slight changes in some of the services. 

   Utica students found, "...everyone was so kind and hospitable. When they said that 'their home was our home,' they truly meant it." 

   The group leader remarked that the people "...pour love and care into their work, and there is never a shortage of laughter, dancing and music. Most of all, kindness is universal." 

   That's four more facts.


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