Friday, June 28, 2019

Pro-Choice Rhetoric Soars   

   When we lived and worked in South Carolina, taking in the sights, we happened upon the Charleston burial site of Sen. John C. Calhoun - a figure in our high school history books.  

   Jefferson and others had regarded slavery as an "unhappy necessity" that would outlive its usefulness. Abolitionists began efforts to make that happen sooner rather than later.

   In response, Sen. Calhoun struck back in a famous (or infamous) speech declaring slavery to be "a positive good." He predicted war unless men both North and South accepted his judgment. 

   Just 25 years ago, President Clinton and in 2007 his wife claimed that abortion should be "safe, legal and rare." 

   Now with a realigned Supreme Court and some states passing heart-beat laws and outright bans, like Sen. Calhoun in 1837 pro-abortion forces are going all out. For example:

   "I love abortion."
   "It's how I feel."
   "Loud and proud."
   "Let's...end the shame."
   "Parasites don't have rights."
   "We've got a political fight to win."
   "It's not just defensible, it's desirable." 

   Whether by social media or street protests, the pro crowd is raising the volume. Like slavery, the issue must be reckoned with.

   Janie B. Cheaney in WORLD magazine writes, "These are sheep without a shepherd, who know not what they do. If they only knew what makes for peace. Then I pray for them." 


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