Saturday, June 29, 2019

Baseball in Karachi  
Our Grand Slam Idea    

   With major league baseball attendance on the decline, something has to be done. "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" doesn't thrill anymore.

   So far this year, the six worst fan bases include Kansas City, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Baltimore, the Tampa Bay Rays and Miami.

   After 20 ho-hum years and one pennant in St. Petersburg, population 260 thousand, the Rays proposed a merger with Montreal, pop. 1.75 million (the former Canadian home of the baseball Expos, named for Expo67, a world's fair). Someone already suggested a perfect name for the split team: ExRays. 

   Montreal is all in. St. Petersburg (the Rays are under contract through 2027), is not. Anyway, the idea is to play in sunny Florida in April and May, then move to Montreal for the rest of the season. Fewer home games, more fans per game. Get it? 

   So, Views advises other struggling owners to think outside the batter's box. Pittsburgh could merge with Dhaka, Bangladesh and its 14 million people. This major financial capital in South Asia could be gold for the Pirates. 

   Detroit might play in Istanbul, Turkey, also 14 million. This historic capital draws millions of tourists - even more Tigers fans.  

   The Baltimore (Terrorists?) could split their season with wealthy Karachi, Pakistan, 18 million, with an open air stadium on the beautiful Arabian Sea. 

   For Kansas City, we offer Beijing, capital of China, with 18.5 million potential lovers of peanuts and crackerjacks. After the game, there are seven world heritage sites to explore.

   Finally, Miami might be a hit in Shanghai, China, with its 24 million in the city proper. A stadium along the Yangtze River would draw many thousands, especially for a World Series against Beijing. 

   Warning to Tampa Bay: The Expos left Montreal for a greener outfield, which they found in Washington, DC. Toronto long ago outgrew Montreal, but they already have a team. Um...maybe Tokyo? They love baseball there. 


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