Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Farm House on the Hill

Saturday News     
Letter to Baby       

Dear Nancy, William and Mom & Donny,

   Hi! How are you? How's Donny? How's William? How's Mom? Is everything going alright?

   I'm going for my organ lesson in a little while. I don't have any homework. Glorious?? When do you think Donny will be baptised? I can't wait to see him again. I bet he'll be getting as big as a house.
   Donny, (just for you)
Hey there, how are you doing? You say your hungry? 
Listen, you tell Mommy & Daddy & Gramma when you want something, 
and if you don't get it cry your head off.

Tell Mommy & Daddy & Gramma just what to do. Your the boss now.

Love, Aunt Jane

PS. Don't dirty all your diapers.

  Now to continue with the letter, I decided I'd just slip in a little letter to Donny. (to fit his size) You just listen to what he tells you because he knows what he wants.

   Mom, we're doing just fine at home with the cooking we're doing all right (so Daddy says). 

   Nancy, I hope your feeling better & I bet you are raring to go. The cats are just taking us over they get so hungry so -o -o -o fast.

   I took my organ lesson. I got Marcie Ann some flowers for around a French twist.  

   School's fine. I have Mrs. Westwood. She's alright.

   Well, I guess I'll say good bye now. 

   Love, Jane

   PS. Be Good. 

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