Tuesday, May 18, 2021

 Who Was Watching? 

   What were my school mates seeing? Why didn't my teachers see something?

   There I was in elementary school, curling my fingers into a "telescope" to help me read a word or two, with one eye, on the blackboard way across the room. Pretty ingenious? Not that I really wanted to learn all that much. 

   Later, now a 5th grader, I went with Dad to Youngstown to see an exhibition basketball game. I kept asking him the score, until he tired of answering. "Can't you see the scoreboard?" he snapped.

   Next stop: An optometrist, and soon I became known as "four eyes."   

Growing Up, #7

   Many years and new glasses later, I went through a string of double-vision corrections. Then I had an operation to straighten my right eye - wonderful! - only to have it begin turning again. This is the eye that scanned the blackboard in school. So I have correction again, and I need more correction ... again. 

   Someday I'll have to turn the wheel over to someone else. I've already practiced, turning my life over to Someone else.  

Psalm 121:7-8  The Lord ... will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. 

   Isn't it awesome how He can see clearly, even into the innermost part of our hearts? 



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